The Board of Trustees developed a Facilities Master Plan 2013 that included extensive input from staff, parents and community members. The Plan outlined approximately $240 million dollars of needs on campuses across the district. A decision was made to develop a bond authorization program in three phases of $80 million dollars.
The Board of Trustees developed a Facilities Master Plan 2013 that included extensive input from staff, parents and community members.
The Plan outlined approximately $240 million dollars of needs on campuses across the district. A decision was made to develop a bond authorization program in three phases of $80 million dollars.
The Board of Trustees, through Resolution 1314-12, called for a general obligation bond election on June 3, 2014. The voters passed Measure B by an overwhelming margin to show support for the district and the specified needs. The projects completed or underway are:
- Complete renovation and modernization of Thomas Page Academy
- Renovation of the Kinder Zone at Evergreen Elementary
- Addition of shelter structures at Evergreen Elementary
- New safe playgrounds at all elementary schools
- Design Lab at Technology Middle School
- Technology enhancement districtwide
- Safety improvements districtwide
- Disability access improvements districtwide
- Exterior renovation and improvements at Rancho Cotate High School
- Theater/Academic/Gymnasium (TAG) Building at Rancho Cotate High School
The Board of Trustees also approved the second phase of the the bond authorization program through Resolution 1516-34 with a bond election on November 8, 2014 for an $80 million dollar bond authorization. Measure C passed, and the projects include:
- Continuing to update classrooms, science labs and libraries to meet modern academic standards
- New classroom buildings built for 21st century learning and to prevent overcrowding
- Improved safety districtwide
- New classrooms for performing arts and vocational education programs
- Improved disability access districtwide
- Modernization of elementary campuses and new multi-use buildings
A third bond in the amount of $80 million was approved by voters in 2016, allowing the District to progress on identified construction projects.