Alana Demars
Expanded Learning Program Manager

Lisa Godleski
Program Specialist I

Lucia Papineau
Curriculum Specialist I

Luigi Cardenas
I.T. Support Technician II

Lystra Hobby
Curriculum Specialist I

Maité Iturri

Matt Galon
Student Administrative Software Support Technician

Matthew Marshall
Director of Student Services

Maura Bunch
Asst Director of Spl Education

Megan Lesser
Program Administrator

Merideth Keenan-Boggs
Curriculum Specialist II

Michael Kerby
Theater Facility and Media Manager

Michelle Dunbar
Fd Svc Account Clerk IIB

Molly Kohler
Director of Business & Fiscal Services

Nikki Doble
Executive Secretary to the Chief Business Official

Rachel Allen
Director of Special Education

Ramiro Avila
Manager Maintenance & Operations

Raquel Rivera

Rina Fabros
District Services Analyst

Robert Valdivia Gonzales
Director of Technology Services

Rochelle Gregori
Executive Secretary - Superintendent

Rory DeMedeiros
Admin Secretary CSEA

Sarah Herrick
Behavior Specialist 1

Sonika Dola
Staff Secretary

Steven Lopez
Technical Support Associate

Suzanne King
Food Service Coordinator

Lisa Breining
District Accountant

Leticia Infanger
Human Resources Specialist II (Se Habla Español)

Laura Padilla
Clerk Typist II DO

Larry Hendrickson
Shipping & Receiving Clerk

Kristy Ferguson
Classified Payroll Technician

Kimberley Patterson
Payroll Technician

Katie Ambrose
Staff Secretary DO

Josh Savage
Executive Director of Facilities, Maintenance & Operations

John Geck
System Administrator

John Bartolome
Chief Business Official

Jennifer Hansen
Director of Human Resources

Jennifer Aros
Behavior Specialist 1

Jasmine Sheeks
HR Clerk

Guillermina Henriquez
Translator - District Office

Gigi Fusco
Executive Secretary - Asst. Superintendent

George Lopez
Student Administrative Software Support Technician

Ethan Koler
Human Resources Specialist II

Emma Prax Lodge
Program Specialist II

Emily Elliott
Human Resources Specialist III

Dorothy Kiehne
Data Technician Special Education

Diane Wright
Admin Secretary CSEA

Debbie O'Dell
Accounting Supervisor

Cristina Baltazar
Account Clerk II B

Courtney Callen
Program Specialist

Catherine Larkin
Curriculum Specialist II

Beth Stelzer
Technical Support Associate

Alexis Gebb
Program Specialist II

Alana Demars
Expanded Learning Program Manager

Building Dreams
The Board of Trustees, through Resolution 1314-12, called for a general obligation bond election on June 3, 2014. The voters passed Measure B by an overwhelming margin to show support for the district and the specified needs. The projects completed or underway are:
- Complete renovation and modernization of Thomas Page Academy
- Renovation of the Kinder Zone at Evergreen Elementary
- Addition of shelter structures at Evergreen Elementary
- New safe playgrounds at all elementary schools
- Design Lab at Technology Middle School
- Technology enhancement districtwide
- Safety improvements districtwide
- Disability access improvements districtwide
- Exterior renovation and improvements at Rancho Cotate High School
- Theater/Academic/Gymnasium (TAG) Building at Rancho Cotate High School

Strengthening Communities
The Board of Trustees also approved the second phase of the the bond authorization program through Resolution 1516-34 with a bond election on November 8, 2014 for an $80 million dollar bond authorization. Measure C passed, and the projects include:
- Continuing to update classrooms, science labs and libraries to meet modern academic standards
- New classroom buildings built for 21st century learning and to prevent overcrowding
- Improved safety districtwide
- New classrooms for performing arts and vocational education programs
- Improved disability access districtwide
- Modernization of elementary campuses and new multi-use buildings
A third bond in the amount of $80 million was approved by voters in 2016, allowing the District to progress on identified construction projects.
Department Contact
Department Fax: 707 792-4739