New and Returning Student Enrollment
Select the approprate enrollment option for your family below:

Kindergarten & Transitional Kindergarten Registration
To learn more about required documents, birth dates and other important information, please click the button below:

1st - 12th Grades New Student Registration
To learn more about required documents, birth dates and other important information, please click the button below:

Returning/Current Student
To learn more about Interdistrict and Intradistrict transfers, what to expect as a continuing student entering 6th or 9th grade and to fill out the "Intent to Continue at CRPUSD Survey," please click the button below:
Enrollment FAQs
If my student is already enrolled in a CRPUSD school, do I have to enroll again?
No, but all students from outside the district must renew their interdistrict transfer with Student Services.
If I choose to enroll in a school other than my residence school, which school receives my records?
The school you are accepted at will receive your records.
Do I need an Intradistrict transfer to choose a school that is not my resident school?
For TK through 5th grade, you do not need to complete an intradistrict transfer form for first-time enrollments. Once enrolled, if you choose another school the following year, you must complete an Intradistrict transfer agreement. If you are in grades 6-12, you will need an intradistrict transfer permit to enroll at a school that is not your resident school.
If I attend Evergreen or Hahn, is LJMS my resident middle school?
No, all three middle schools have their own attendance zones. To find your resident school, click here. Input your home address in the requested field, and it will list your resident schools.
Why is enrollment so early this year?
Moving the enrollment window up two months allows CRPUSD to manage staffing decisions more accurately and mitigate space issues more effectively at particular school sites.
What exactly are the enrollment dates?
Enrollment begins on November 1, 2024, and goes through January 10, 2025
What happens if I don’t register for school until after those dates?
By enrolling in school during our enrollment window, you have the best opportunity to get into the school of your choice. If you register for school after the enrollment window, the school you want may be full. While getting into the school of your choice is not guaranteed, especially at schools with specialized programs, you stand the best chance if you enroll during the enrollment window.
Do TK and Kindergarten families need to complete an Intradistrict transfer form to choose a school outside their attendance area?
No. During the enrollment window, TK & K families may choose their school. Grades 6-12 must complete an Intradistrict transfer form with Student Services if they choose a school that is not their resident school.
Will TPA RESIDENT 5th-grade students attending other elementary schools have TPA as their default middle school for grades 6-8?
No. All TPA 5th-grade resident students attending OTHER schools will have TMS as their middle school of residence. If these families want to attend TPA or LJMS, they must apply through the intradistrict transfer process. All office managers will select TMS in PowerSchool as the student’s 6th-grade school of record at the end of 5th grade.
Will we take students from outside Cotati-Rohnert Park during the enrollment period?
Yes, but they receive a lower priority than residents of Cotati-Rohnert Park.
Will enrolling during the enrollment window guarantee entrance into specialized programs like the EXL program at Lawrence Jones Middle School?
No. Some specialized programs, like EXL at Lawrence Jones Middle School, are application-based enrollments
If my child enrolls at Lawrence Jones Middle School (LJMS) during the enrollment period, will they get in?
Currently, demand at LJMS exceeds the school’s capacity. Resident students of LJMS will have the highest priority. All other students who live outside LJMS attendance boundaries will be accepted based on Board Policy 5116.1
How is the overflow handled if demand exceeds capacity at a school?
We conduct a lottery for all students who did not get into their school of choice during the enrollment window. The lottery usually takes place about one month after the enrollment window closes.
When is the LJMS lottery?
The LJMS lottery will take place in early February. All families on the waitlist will be notified about the process and timing.
If demand is so high at LJMS, why don’t you hire more teachers at LJMS?
LJMS's capacity is based on the physical classrooms available at the school. Hiring more teachers won’t help since every classroom is already occupied.
How will 5th-grade families hear about enrollment?
We will communicate using Facebook, the district’s website, and hard copies sent home with students. These messages will start in late October and continue through December. All communication will be in English and Spanish. We will also communicate with 5th-grade teachers so they understand the process.
When parents go to enroll their student using our online system, will Richard Crane and UELF also be listed as a school of residence?
Yes, both Richard Crane and University Elementary have an attendance boundary of the entire school district.
Do students in grades 1-4, 6-8, or 9-11 need to do anything during the enrollment window?
No, but it is recommended that you update your records in PowerSchool. The enrollment period is mainly for new TK and Kinder students and 5th-grade students transitioning to middle school next year.
Since we have a sibling at the school, will we still get into our school of choice if I enroll after the window closes?
You may lose your sibling enrollment priority if you fail to enroll your new student outside the enrollment window. If the grade level you seek is full, you will not get in, even if you have a sibling at the school.
Intradistrict Transfer Agreement (Intra) - A permit that allows a student from one school within the district to transfer to another school within the district. The Student Services department must approve this agreement before a transfer occurs.
Interdistrict Transfer Agreement (IDT) - A permit allowing a student from one school within the district to transfer to another school outside the district. An IDT also will enable students from outside CRPUSD to attend one of our schools. The Student Services department must approve this agreement before a transfer occurs. These permits are usually updated annually.
Intradistrict Transfer Enrollment Priorities from Board Policy 5116.1 |
P0 |
School of Residence (SOR) / Returning to SOR |
P1 |
Victims of violent crimes, etc. |
P2 |
Homeless / Foster / Active U.S. Military |
P3 |
Siblings |
P4 |
An employee at the site |
P5 |
Court Order |
P6 |
Intra for a specialized program (Like EXL at LJMS) |
P7 |
IDT for specialized programs (Like EXL at LJMS) |
P8 |
Intra for general enrollment |
P9 |
IDTfor general enrollment |