It is our belief that all students have access to these opportunities regardless of their ability to pay. ELO-P Scholarships will be awarded to qualified students provided there is funding available. Scholarships will cover the cost of the program, though additional costs such as late fees are excluded. Program fees will apply for families with the ability to pay. We are committed to offering programs at low cost to all of our families. The YMCA is committed to supporting families and financial assistance is available for qualified students
Priority Registration
Priority registration will be given to students in Transitional Kindergarten through 6th grade if they meet one or more of the following criteria:
- Homeless
- Foster Youth
- Qualified for free or reduced meals
- Designated English Language Learners

It is our hope that students will take advantage of our wonderful program offerings. In most cases, there is a competitive registration process. As such, we expect students who receive ELO-P scholarships to attend programs they have registered for. No refunds or credits will be provided for students who miss classes. Students who frequently miss classes may be required to forfeit their spot in order to provide opportunities for students who can commit to attending.

Behavior Expectations
Students are expected to use appropriate behavior at all school-sponsored events and will be held accountable for their choices. We recognize that these skills are being learned and that mistakes will happen. When these mistakes occur, depending upon the severity of the action, we make every attempt to problem solve the situation using Restorative Practices. We believe that these are opportunities for teaching and learning. We work with students to recover from mistakes, as mistakes are a vital part of learning. In rare instances, it may be necessary to remove a student from an expanded learning program if behavior risks the safety of themselves or others