Union Contracts

Union Contracts

Please click on the tabs below to access district union contracts. Hard copies shall be printed upon individual written request. 

For easier navigation please download contracts to your desktop and use Adobe Bookmarks.  

As a result of negotiations, union contracts may be subject to revision.


Contract/Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA)
Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs)

All Elementary Schools:
2024-2025 Elementary MOU

Middle Schools:
2024-2025 Middle School MOU

Rancho Cotate High School:
2024-2025 RCHS MOU

Technology High School:

Summer Enrichment Academy:
2024 Summer Enrichment Academy

Extended School Year and Credit Recovery:
2024 ESY Credit Recovery

Prep Coverage MOU:
2024-2025 Prep Time MOU

Virtual Learning Academy:
2024-2025 VLA MOU
VLA Summer Session MOU

Special Education:
2024-2025 SPED MOU