For easier navigation please download contracts to your desktop and use Adobe Bookmarks.
As a result of negotiations, union contracts may be subject to revision.
RPCEA Expired CBAs & MOUs:
2021-2022 MOU
Expired MOUs
2021-2022 VLA MOU
2021-2022 VLA MOU Amendment 10.19.21
COVID-19 MOU 8.12.20
Covid-19 MOU Amendment 2.13.21
2021-2022 School Opening RPCEA
2021-2022 School Opening RPCEA MOU Amendment 10.21.21
2021-2022 School Opening RPCEA MOU Amendment 1.13.2022
2022 ESY Summer Program MOU 1.13.2022
2021-2022 LJMS Modified Block Schedule MOU Amendment
2021-2022 RCHS 4x4 MOU
2021-2022 RCHS 4x4
MOU Amendment 10.27.21
2021-2022 THS 7 Period Block
Schedule MOU amendment 10.26.21
2021-2022 TMS 4x4 MOU
2021-2022 TMS 4x4 MOU Amendment 10.27.21
Expired CBAs and Tentative Agreements
Expired CBA
RPCEA and CRPUSD Tentative
Agreement 11.18.2022
RPCEA and CRPUSD CBA/Contract 7.1.2021 - 6.30.2024
RPCEA and CRPUSD Tentative Agreement 3.17.2022
Comprehensive Successor Agreement 1.23.18
Special Education - Article 18, Revised 5.13.19
Speech-Language Pathologists & Nurses, Revised Salary
Schedule 5.13.19
RPCEA and CRPUSD CBA/Contract 7.1.17-6.30.20