
Attention Parents and Community Members:

We want to inform you about an important opportunity for our schools! A local bond is being proposed to fund essential improvements to our school facilities, ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment for our students.

Click HERE for more information

Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee

Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee

The purposes of the Committee are set forth in Proposition 39, and these Bylaws are specifically made subject to the applicable provisions of Proposition 39 as to the duties and rights of the Committee.

The Committee shall be deemed to be subject to the Ralph M. Brown Public Meetings Act of the State of California and shall conduct its meetings in accordance with the provisions thereof. The District shall provide necessary administrative support at District expense to the Committee as consistent with the Committee’s purposes as set forth in Proposition 39.

The proceeds of general obligation bonds issued pursuant to the Election are hereinafter referred to as “bond proceeds.” The Committee shall confine itself specifically to bond proceeds generated under the ballot measure. Regular and deferred maintenance projects and all monies generated under other sources shall fall outside the scope of the Committee review.

Learn more about Bond Oversight Committee