Our Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) is a comprehensive program which provides CRPUSD students with engaging learning opportunities outside of the traditional school day. ELO-P offerings provide a robust menu of opportunities for our students to keep them safely engaged, inspired and challenged. Composed of community based organizations and CRPUSD staff and leadership, programs are designed to meet the needs of individual school communities.
Alana DeMars
Director of Expanded Learning
Jared Cohen
Expanded Learning Program Coordinator
Jessica Ballou
Expanded Learning Administrative Secretary

Creatively Rethink the Traditional School Day
The ELO-Program provides educational opportunities for our students and requires us to creatively rethink the traditional school day. CRPUSD can utilize innovative approaches, connections and collaborations that expand learning opportunities before, during, and after school, during the summer, and/or by extending the school day and year.
All of our programs are aligned with the California Expanded Learning Quality Standards and evaluated on an ongoing basis.