The Governing Board recognizes that students and staff have the right to a safe and secure campus where they are free from physical and psychological harm. The Board is fully committed to maximizing school safety and to creating a positive learning environment that includes strategies for violence prevention and high expectations for student conduct, responsible behavior, and respect for others.
Our Commitment to Safety
We believe all students are entitled to a successful education, our focus is learning and we are a team. Ensuring a safe learning environment is the primary responsibility of the superintendent and each school principal. We ensure that safety together with our staff, parents and community. We all need to work together to keep our students safe at school.
If you have any questions about school safety or if you would like more information about our drills, plans or any other educational matter---please do not hesitate to contact your school principal. We are committed to providing a safe learning environment for your child and for all of our students.

Active Shooter Situations
Police officers, firefighters, and emergency medical services technicians (first responders) who come to a school because of a 911 call involving gunfire face a daunting task. Though the objective remains the same – protect students and staff – the threat of an“active shooter” incident is different than responding to a natural disaster or many other emergencies.

Safety Drills
Drills are part of preparing for a variety of potential school situations. Education Code mandates the district have both fire drills and earthquakes drills (see below). The most important element for our drills is preparing staff to exercise sound judgment to keep students as safe as possible in an emergency.

School Safety Plans
Each of our school sites, as required by Education Code 32281, 32286 and 32288 has a comprehensive school site safety plan. Each year the plan is reviewed and updated by the school site council on or before March 1. The plans are accessible in each school office and are provided in digital format below. It is important to note we have tactical emergency plans at each school that are confidential. Those plans include our response protocols, maps of the schools, key shut off valves, student information and much more. We do not want this information being used by someone posing a threat to our schools.