Health Nursing Resources
Welcome! We are your CRPUSD Nurse Team.
We hope that this page will help you navigate through some of the different needs that a school nurse may be able to help you with. Please explore the links available for resources and other health information.

Healthy Lifestyle
Living a healthy and balanced life can be very challenging. Sometimes it’s hard to know where to start and how to make changes that will help. There are many unreliable resources out there. We have tried to create a list of some trusted sources that may help bring about desired changes in your life- in physical activity, diet, illness prevention, sleep, mental and emotional health.
Quick Guides for a Healthy Lifestyle
Physical Activity
Guidelines for Children and Adolescents
Healthy Eating Style
Healthy Lifestyle: (AKA: lose weight, stop smoking, drinking EtOH)
yourself and others from getting sick:
Sleeping Well:
Wash Your Hands Poster:
What is Mental health
Emotional Wellness Checklist:

Immunization Check
Please click below for more information about the immunizations required for students to attend school.
Medical Exemptions Update
Starting January 1, 2021:
· Medical exemptions can only be issued through the California Immunization Registry – Medical Exemption website (CAIR-ME) by physicians licensed in California.
· Schools and child care facilities may only accept from parents new medical exemptions that are issued using CAIR-ME.
A medical exemption filed at a pre-kindergarten facility or school remains valid until the earliest of:
When the child enrolls in the next grade span (TK/K-6th grade, 7th-12th grade)
The expiration date specified in a temporary medical exemption
Revocation of the exemption because the issuing physician has been subject to disciplinary action from the physician’s licensing entity.
Additional information about current requirements are at shotsforschool.
For more information see: https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DCDC/Pages/Vaccinations-Q-A.aspx
Get Your Flu Shots
We will be entering the time of year when the incidence of getting the flu increases. It is time to consider getting your annual flu shot. See the link below for further information on how to
prevent the flu.
Forms & Health Instructions
Medication at School
Medications at School: Authorization for Medication Administration
Contract for Self-Carry Medication at School: English | Spanish
Treatments, and Emergency Health Plans at School
Authorization For Specialized Procedure: English & Spanish
Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan
Diabetic Supplies List for School: English | Spanish
Seizure Action Plan: English | Spanish
Health Exam and Oral Health Assessment
Health Examination for School Entry: English & Spanish
Oral Health Notification Letter: English & Spanish
Oral Health Assessment for Kindergarten & Incoming 1st Grade: English & Spanish
Waiver Oral Health Assessment: English & Spanish
Other Health Forms
Exclusion from School Symptoms: English & Spanish
Vision and Hearing: Vision and Hearing
School Nurse Role
The role of the school nurse is to advance the academic success and lifelong health and well?being of students by promoting school-based health and safety through vision, hearing, and oral health assessment, immunizations, health education, and coordination of health care services for students with health needs, including students with chronic illnesses and disabilities.
Our role includes, but is not limited to:
- Provide healthcare to students and staff
- Advocate for the health and wellbeing of students, staff and the local community
- Provide health screenings (general and state mandated vision and hearing)
- Serve as liaisons between school personnel, family, and community healthcare providers
- Help develop plans for student care (IEPs, 504s, SSTs)
- Serve as consultants with other school professionals, such as food service personnel, physical education teachers, coaches, and counselors
- Provide health-related education to students, staff and the community
- Monitor immunizations, manage communicable diseases, and assess the school environment as to prevent injury and ensure safety
- Help with infection control measures
- Oversee and train medication administration and health care procedures
- Help coordinate referrals to private healthcare providers
Diabetes Type 1
Information (ENG) (SP)
(for Parents or Guardians of incoming elementary school students)
Diabetes Type 2
Information (ENG) (SP)
(for Parents or Guardians of 7th Grade Students)
Papillomavirus Cancer Prevention Information (ENG) (SP)
(for Parents or Guardians of 6th Grade Students)