Facilities Plans

Facilities Plans

Facility Master Plan Process 

At its January 15, 2013 Meeting the Board of Trustees entered into an agreement with WLC Architects to prepare a Facilities Master Plan for the District. The Board of Trustees held a Special Board Meeting on February 5, 2013 to receive reports and discuss planning future facility needs for the Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified School District. At the Special Board Meeting direction was given to the Superintendent to continue exploring a general obligation bond authorization election.

On April 22, 2013 a Facility Committee Meeting was held to discuss District needs and consider a recommendation to the Board of Trustees regarding a feasibility study to order an election to authorize the issuance of school bonds. In attendance at the meeting were Trustees Wiltermood and Gilardi, staff and community representatives. The committee unanimously recommended moving forward with TBWB Strategies to both develop a feasibility study and lead the study in consultation with District staff. The results of the study were reported to the Board of Trustees at its meetings in June and August 2013.

The Facilities Master Planning process was conducted during autumn 2013 and included extensive staff and community input. A draft Facilities Master Plan was presented to the Board of Trustees at a Special Meeting on January 27, 2014. The Draft Plan is available on the District Website, but it’s important to note the Plan is a working document and is subject to revision. The Plan served as the guide used to develop the project list included with Resolution 1314-12.

Please download the presentation