Physical Education
Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified School District has quality physical education programs designed to provide students with knowledge and ability needed to maintain active, healthy lifestyles. The District employs credentialed P.E. specialists at all grade levels. At the middle and high school levels all instruction is with the P.E. specialist. At the elementary level the students receive instruction from both the P.E. specialist and the classroom teacher.
Board Policy
Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified School District has Board Policy 6142.7, which governs instruction in physical education.
Education Code 51210
The adopted course of study for grades 1 to 6, inclusive, shall include instruction, beginning in grade 1 and continuing through grade 6, in the following areas of study:
(g) Physical education, with emphasis upon the physical activities for the pupils that may be conducive to health and vigor of body and mind, for a total period of time of not less than 200 minutes each 10 schooldays, exclusive of recesses and the lunch period.
Education Code 51222
(a) All pupils, except pupils excused or exempted pursuant to Section 51241, shall be required to attend upon the courses of physical education for a total period of time of not less than 400 minutes each 10 schooldays. Any pupil may be excused from physical education classes during one of grades 10, 11, or 12 for not to exceed 24 clock hours in order to participate in automobile driver training. Such pupil who is excused from physical education classes to enroll in driver training shall attend upon a minimum of 7,000 minutes of physical education instruction during such school year.
(b) The governing board of each school district that maintains a high school and that elects to exempt pupils from required attendance in physical education courses pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2) or both of subdivision (b) of Section 51241 shall offer those pupils so exempted a variety of elective physical education courses of not less than 400 minutes each 10 schooldays.
California Department of Education
The California Department of Education Website has information regarding physical education curriculum at
Reporting Concerns
If you have questions regarding your child's physical education, you should first contact your child's teacher or principal. If you believe your child may not be receiving the minimum number of minutes of instruction, you may contact the Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services in the District Office.
Mr. Matt Marshall
7165 Burton Avenue
Rohnert Park, CA 94928
(707) 792-4540